Internship in Mexico - Hospitality

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Working in the hospitality industry in Mexico can be a very rewarding experience, as Mexico is a very popular tourist country with a wide variety of destinations, from beaches to mountains. Read more about it in this blog! 

Why Mexico?

The lifestyle in Mexico is truly unique and appealing. Mexico has great weather, which makes it a great place to work, especially if you are looking for a place to work where you can enjoy outdoor activities and nature on your days off. It also offers a great balance of work and personal life and is known for its friendly and welcoming people.

Where to go to work?

Hospitality internships in Mexico are possible at international hotel chains, independent hotels, restaurants, bars, and other tourism businesses. Popular tourist destinations include Cancun, Riviera Maya, Holbox, Isla Mujeres, and more. Or consider other places in Mexico such as Puerto Vallarta, Mexico City, Cabo San Lucas, and Guadalajara.

Skills required

To work in this industry in Mexico, it is important to have communication skills, customer service skills, and a professional attitude. Computer skills can also be beneficial, as many hotel management systems are computerized. Employers often look for candidates who speak English and at least basic Spanish, and have previous experience in the hospitality industry.


You will be compensated for your internship in Mexico, and this varies from company to company. However, it is important to note that the cost of living in Mexico is generally lower compared to the US and Europe, for example.

All in all, working in the hospitality industry in Mexico can be a very rewarding experience, offering the opportunity to learn about a rich culture, develop professional skills, and have unique experiences. Are you interested in this adventure? At Internship in Mexico, we actively develop our contacts with Mexican companies, including those in the hospitality sector. Our goal is to find the right internship for you. Don’t hesitate to contact us here so we can discuss your options.


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